Best colleagues 2022

HELB awarded the best three

The HELB’s election for the Best Colleague 2022 was held in February, while employee votes were collected through January for the previous year. The goal of this election is to highlight good examples and share stories that promote values such as cooperation, community, honesty, responsibility, and contribution. HELB strives to recognize and reward colleagues who are an example to others with their work, values, expertise, and attitude towards work, and at the same time, it is a great way to spread good and positive stories within the company.

The rules were the same as last year. All HELB employees were able to nominate and be nominated within three categories: “Always for Cooperation” – someone who shows understanding, respect, helps when needed, and communicates in good faith and with confidence. “Give more of themselves” – someone who is exceptionally engaged in the team, who is responsible, and gives more than what is expected in a regular job. “One who knows knowledge” – someone who shows above-average knowledge related to the work he/she does, his/her work is of high quality and they are happy to share the knowledge.

More than half of the employees participated in the election through an online survey, and the winners of the above-mentioned categories with the highest number of votes are:

  • “Always for Cooperation” – Filip Bilandžija
  • “Give more of themselves” – Petra Batalić – won for the second year in a row
  • “One who knows knowledge” – Danijel Bahlen – won for the second year in a row

Stjepan Horvat, director of HELB, pointed out during the awards ceremony: ,,First of all, I would like to thank everyone who contributed and supported this wonderful event at HELB. I am happy that, once again, we recognized and highlighted individuals who, with their dedicated work, perseverance, knowledge, expertise, and positive relationships with colleagues, contribute to building an even better HELB. I am also pleased by the fact that there were many nominees in certain categories and that the voting was close because this only means that there are many hard-working, professional, and wonderful people in our company, and I congratulate all the nominees from the bottom of my heart.”

February 22, 2023

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