HELB presentations on HO CIRED 2023

In the first presentation, “Application of the Closed Distribution System model in ensuring the energy self-sufficiency of business systems”, the advantage of HELB’s CDSO service for entities that install a solar power plant on the roof of their facility and want to sell the produced electricity to users of their rented business premises was very clearly explained. This creates a platform for transparent energy exchange and enables the rationalization of energy costs.

More at the link.

In the second presentation, ’’DINGO – Distribution grid optimization pilot project within IRI II KK.″, the results of the research and development project, co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development called System for optimization of losses in advanced networks, are described. The project’s main goal is to develop a system for continuous analysis of technical parameters of the distribution network, which would use machine learning to estimate and predict technical and non-technical losses. The project included pilot locations in DP Elektrodalmacija Split and DP Vinkovci, where measuring and monitoring devices were installed at a total of 21 transformer stations. Integrated geospatial data, as well as pseudonymized data from accounting measurement sites, were also processed. The DINGO platform has been developed to track measurements and algorithm results through several different review tools. It is possible to monitor measurements from transformer stations in almost real-time, graphically view historical measurements or monitor losses and results of power flow calculations on geographic bases.

More at the link.

July 5, 2023

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